It's time to Slow Down

Take a breath. Relax.

We are all living a fast-paced life. Weekdays are for work, and weekends - for more work. Because, why not? Why not work a few extra hours, why not sleep a few lesser hours. Right?

To accommodate this fast-paced lifestyle, we now have fast food and even fast fashion. 

Yes, fast fashion, the one with 'buy it, wear it, throw it' philosophy.

It does boggle the mind that we, as consumers, have completely foregone authenticity. With each passing year, our needs have only increased. On the other hand, the Earth has endured a lot because of our unending desire for more. So much so that it is now rebelling.

According to recent findings, the ocean temperature is rising 40% faster than anticipated. The space required by our oceans is increasing, day by day. And it already covers 71% of our beloved home.

Don't get scared. Well, actually, do get scared. 

Get scared, and start caring.

In the last two decades, we have somehow started caring more about clothes, and less about the environment. But this light speed consumerism fills more landfills than closets.

Every product unsold or discarded (which is a lot), is burned and dumped. North Americans alone send 9.5 million tonnes of clothing to landfills every year. 

Pretty sure landfills are not our idea of capsule memories.

To diffuse the tension that Fast Fashion has created, we have been introduced to Slow Fashion. It is exactly what the name suggests, slow and durable. 

The term was coined by Kate Fletcher, Professor of Sustainability and Design at the University of Arts, London. She asked the questions that maybe once in a while, cross our minds.

"Why do we need to buy a new t-shirt every other week?"

"Why do we need to reflect our mood through our clothes every day?"

"Why are we putting this much pressure on just a Shirt?"

"We are so busy justifying our feelings through a piece of clothing that we're endangering our existence on this planet?"

Some say we are unique, and we need to show it. We need to wear our ideas on a shirt tucked inside those jeans. But, do we really?

If we don't wear the 'Love Yourself' shirt, will we forget to do it? If we don't have the 'Hustle Harder' jacket, will we not work to our heart's content? So, why put everything in danger for a few less bucks and a few more clothes?

Let's not wait for the asteroid to hit the planet.

There's still time and a chance, a chance to change. Let's seize it.

Slow fashion is a movement that has been gaining recognition steadily. It talks about things that we are aware of, but for some reason, have considered overrated. Because hey, we are surviving a hole in the Ozone layer, this will pass too.

Yes, it will, but only if we actually do something about it.

According to surveys, 70% of shoppers are impulse buyers, which is usually triggered by sadness, anxiety, or boredom. Succumbing to the desire to own a top that will lose itself in the sea of tops in our closet seems innocent. But, is it?

Is it not a way to disguise our true emotions with shiny cards and fast fashion? Is it not a way to be in denial and not work on it because 'it is normal'?

Let's work on it together. Working on ourselves will make us healthier, and the planet too.

It's understandable there is a sudden increase in heart rate, and hallelujah playing in the background when we see that dress on sale that is totally a steal. And, it is valid. It is a steal.

Do you remember how our parents used to say, 'Nothing is ever free'? 

It was true yesterday, it is true today, and it will be true tomorrow.

The only difference is that the price we pay is not always money. 

Sometimes, it's the resources we steal from the land that hasn't replenished from the last crop season. Sometimes, it's the sleep of the workers working more than 18 hours a day, below minimum wage. Sometimes, it's the air that seems clean but is ready to choke us at any point. So, darling, that dress is totally not a steal.

It is easier to not worry about these things because we are not directly in contact, or we just don't know sometimes. But once we realize there are problems that we can help solve, it's our responsibility to work at least a teeny, tiny bit towards it.

The most basic and direct ways could be:

  • Think before buying.
  • Use the Marie Kondo formula and asking, "does this spark joy?"
  • Don't shop without a pre-planned shopping list.
  • Embrace slow fashion.

How to Spot Slow Fashion, you ask?

  • It is made from natural, sustainable materials.
  • It is not part of flashy enterprises.
  • It is locally sourced, designed, and made.
  • It appreciates art and craft.

All these factors result in making slow fashion exclusive and unique.

You'll be astounded to see how much time you have when you are not trying to find the perfect top from the 'perfect tops' pile. You'll save a lot of money and you'll actually have time to think, the thing this fast-paced lifestyle has robbed us off.

So, take a breathe, and slow down, because slow fashion is the way to go. When you take time and see, there is a lot to work towards. It sounds overwhelming but with the right approach, we can do it.

Slow-Paced Lifestyle. Slow Food. Slow Fashion.